CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research , ces 365 derniers jours

Journal of Chironomidae research

lundi 4 septembre 2023

  • Chironomid research through pandemics, recent advances

    After 5 blank years since the last symposium and 3 years of COVID-19 pandemics, the 21st International Symposium on Chironomidae (ISC2022) was held for the first time online from the 4th to the 7th of July, 2022. The symposium gathered a total of 45 presentations organized around the major topics of ecology, taxonomy, genomics, phylogeny, and physiology. We introduce here a general overview of the studies presented during the symposium, together with the few papers published in the present proceedings special issue.

jeudi 17 août 2023

  • The pupa of Chironomus decorus Johannsen, 1905 – additional description and an unusual sexual dimorphism

    In his original description of Chironomus decorus, Johannsen included a brief description of the pupa but with insufficient detail to differentiate it from other North American species, particularly those of the decorus-complex. In this note, further information of pupal characters, mostly derived from specimens reared from egg masses, are given which allow separation of these pupae from those of some other species, e.g., presence of frontal warts, and in the case of the males, to permit accurate identification by the presence of a small secondary tubercle.



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